Meg Ryan. A woman who was literally #goals for so many young ladies. How could someone be so amazing? Within some of her most amazing chick flick roles, she showed her flaws within relationships. By looking at three of her most iconic roles:
You've Got Mail
Sleepless in Seattle
and lasts but not least,
When Harry Met Sally.
4 things we can learn:
The Good:
2. Be YOURSELF. Be yourself and never apologize. Whether as Sally, Annie, or Kathleen Kelly, Meg Ryan stayed true to who she was and never apologized for her sass.

So, what could someone so perfect as Meg Ryan do wrong within a relationship?
The Bad:
3. Fate. Not everything that we do is scripted. We won't always know who will sleep us off our feet, and even we find it, it might not be exactly what we hoped it would.
4. Strangers Danger. Chatting online and radio shows may not be the best ways to meet men. There is real danger that does come from these circumstances. If you choose to do this, be aware. Meet in public places, and make sure someone knows where you are. Just be smart, okay? Okay.
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