Blog Posts

Monday, April 25, 2016

What's love got to do with it?

There are so many ideas about love, but what is love and what does it have to do with a relationship?

Love is a lot of things. In Greek, there are multiple words for love that help differentiate what someone means. When you tell someone you love them, the question is how, as a friend, family, or romantically. For the sake of time, let's just talk about romantic love. 

Romantic love is the acknowledgment of a heart condition where your needs are second to another. A deeper connection built upon a foundation of friendship. Our brains builds pathways of familiarity with friends, and over time, these pathways become more ingrained within us. One way to think of this is digging a hole, the longer you're digging the deeper it gets and soon you're in it so deep you're completely in this hole you've dug. Love is patient. It love develops over time, where every stroke of the shovel brings you closer to a bigger hole. 

Romantic love must be united. As the hole gets bigger there are a few options: stick with this hole even if the dirt is firm and rocky or move onto fertile ground. This decision is harder than you think and comes from a few factors: commitment level, time frame, values and heart. If you and your s/o are not on the same page then what is dating for? Know what you want out of a relationship.

**Values should come before heart in a relationship. Especially religious values. If you and your s/o do not believe the same religious things this will stand in the way as long as one or both of you have these differing values and the relationship will not stand. Values need to come before feelings.

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